
Super Easy Chocolate Sauce

This super easy chocolate sauce recipe is a staple in our house.  My kids love to put it on ice cream, pancakes, or to dip strawberries in.
You only need two ingredients:
Cocoa Powder
Pure Maple Syrup

Mix 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder with 5 tablespoons of maple syrup.
Once mixed serve with your favorite treat.
Store in your refrigerator for one week.

Homemade Mac & Cheese

My kids and husband absolutely love this Mac & Cheese recipe.  You can easily modify it by adding ham or cooked sausage and changing out the Sharp Cheese for another favorite cheese.  The important thing to keep in mind with this recipe to use whole wheat organic pasta.  Enjoy!

2 Cups Whole Wheat Organic Pasta - Fusilli, Penne, or Shells
2 Tablespoons Organic Butter
2 Tablespoons Whole Wheat Flour
1 1/2 Cups Milk
1 Cup Sharp Cheese + additional for topping
2 Tablespoons Whole Wheat Bread Crumbs
4-5 Strips of Bacon, Turkey Bacon, or Pancetta 
Pinch of Nutmeg
Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Cook pasta according to directions.
2. Chop Bacon and cook in skillet over medium heat until crispy
3. Drain Pasta and set aside.
4. Melt butter in saucepan over medium high heat
5. Whisk in flour and continue whisking for 1-2 minutes to develop a roux
6. Turn heat down and quickly whisk in milk.  Once lumps of flour are dissolved whisk in the one cup of cheese.  Whisk until cheese is completely melted.
7. Stir in cooked bacon, a pinch of nutmeg and salt and pepper to taste.
8. Combine with pasta in an 8x8 inch baking pan.  Sprinkle with Bread Crumbs and additional grated cheese.  Bake at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes or until top is browning

My Family Favorite Soup

1 lb any lean ground meat (beef, turkey, chicken, pork)
4-5 slices chopped turkey bacon
1 large carrot peeled and sliced
1 cup celery
1/2 - 1 cup diced onion
1 can rinsed and drained white beans
Noodles (any kind, preferably whole wheat) or diced potatoes (russet, red, or yukon - skins on/off)
2-4 cups low sodium broth (beef or chicken dependent upon meat)
Spices - sage, 2 bay leaves, thyme, ground pepper, and salt

1. In a large stockpot cook bacon. Once bacon is slightly crispy add ground meat, palm full of sage, bay leaves, 2 sprigs of thyme, ground pepper and salt (season to taste).  Cook until meat is cooked through.
2. Add carrots, celery and onion.  Saute about 3 minutes.
3. Add noodles or potatoes and broth.  Add enough broth to cover noodles or potatoes.  Boil until noodles or potatoes are cooked through.
4. Add more broth and beans.  Cook for another 3-5 minutes.  Remove bay leaves and the steam of the thyme.
5. Serve with a whole grain roll and enjoy!

Alternate version:  

Meatball Soup
Form meat into meatballs.  Mix uncooked ground meat, breadcrumbs (eyeball it), sage, and ground pepper.  Cook the meatballs in a separate pan.  At step 4 of the original recipe add the meatballs.

For a spicy version you can use italian sausage (obviously not quite as healthy but very delicious)


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